Thursday, May 28, 2015

Managing your Tsum Tsum friends list (Part 1)

How many Tsum Tsum Friends do you have?
  • None
  • Just a few and they're all people I know personally or friends of friends
  • People whose line id I found by googling "Tsum Tsum" "Add me"
  • People who invited me to play
  • People from various Tsum Tsum Line groups I've joined
Some limit their friends list using various criteria
  • 50 people
  • 100 people
  • people who 
    • send back hearts
    • send a given number of hearts per week or day
    • people who have Line turned on in Tsum Tsum
    • have Line turned on in Tsum Tsum AND notifications on in Line.
    • show the number of messages received in Line Chat 
    • are or are not playing the game this week
    • have names 
      • in western character sets 
      • in non-western character sets
      • that don't start with a special character such as *
Tsum Tsum itself limits the Tsum Tsum Friends list to 1000, even if you have more than 1000 friends in your Line friends list. 

You'll probably want to limit your friends list in some way too in order to keep the time spent sending and receiving hearts reasonable.

In Part 2 of this post I'll tell  how to identify those you want to add and those you'll want to remove from your friends list.

Reciprocal Hearts

The social aspect of Tsum Tsum involves receiving hearts from other players.  You can advertize your Line Id on Facebook or other social media sites and ask that you be added for Tsum Tsum Hearts.

Then you can sit back and claim them all as they come in from other Tsum Tsum Players all over the world.  Easy street, right?  Not so fast.

When you ask others to place you on their friends list, there's an expectation that you will do the same for them.  An expectation that you will return the hearts sent to you in something like the numbers you are receiving.  Sorry, but nobody is going to take the three or four seconds to send you a heart over and over again for absolutely nothing in return.

Using Claim All and not sending hearts to a person in return is the surest way to get deleted from someone's friend list.

Reciprocity is the key idea here.  If someone is sending you hearts, you should probably be returning them using check instead of claim all, especially if you don't have them on your friends list. Also, because of timing, not every check will return a heart.  You also need to initiate by sending hearts from the weekly standings page.
