Managing your Tsum Tsum friends list (Part 1)
How many Tsum Tsum Friends do you have?
- None
- Just a few and they're all people I know personally or friends of friends
- People whose line id I found by googling "Tsum Tsum" "Add me"
- People who invited me to play
- People from various Tsum Tsum Line groups I've joined
- 50 people
- 100 people
- people who
- send back hearts
- send a given number of hearts per week or day
- people who have Line turned on in Tsum Tsum
- have Line turned on in Tsum Tsum AND notifications on in Line.
- show the number of messages received in Line Chat
- are or are not playing the game this week
- have names
- in western character sets
- in non-western character sets
- that don't start with a special character such as *
You'll probably want to limit your friends list in some way too in order to keep the time spent sending and receiving hearts reasonable.
In Part 2 of this post I'll tell how to identify those you want to add and those you'll want to remove from your friends list.